Christine Sowinska - Art


Christine Sowinska


Born 1952 in London. Died 2010 in Wadowice, Poland.

- Occupation: Art Instructor.

- Oil on canvas, watercolour, graphics.

- Associated with Art Club "Beskidnicy". Participated in all outings, exhibitions and other art activities of the Club. Worked as an Art Teacher in Elementary School in Wadowice and as an Art Instructor in Wadowice's Cultural Centre. Worked creatively for over thirty years producing a large body of work. With her twenty-fourth individual exhibition she celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of her career. Took part in collective exhibitions "Wadowice's Art Community 1995 and 2000" as well as landscape study - Gallery On The Wall "Common Wadowice" in 2004. Her artwork is a part of private collections in Poland and abroad (Austria, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Vatican, USA and Canada).


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